Our story
How We Thrive brings people together in ways that support transformative change in Nova Scotia/Mi'kma'ki.
We began in 2017, when a few people dreamed of an event that would capture the energy, stories and possibilities that were alive in our region. In June 2018, we hosted 140 people from across communities for four days—long enough to get below the surface of issues and challenges, have real conversations, learn and unlearn. A second, larger gathering took place in June 2019. During the Covid years, we shifted to online gatherings with a focus on re-authoring dominant narratives through first-person story-telling.
Our current focus is on climate justice education that is grounded in Etuaptmumk, Two-Eyed Seeing. Find out more.
How We Thrive is a Nova Scotia registered nonprofit organization.
Gaels reflect on ways history lives on in the present—as ancestral knowledge and inspiration, and also as shadow narratives.